Arizona is the 48th State To be included, and the last of the contiguous states in the Union, and reached a state February 14, 1912. Arizona is known for its desert climate in its southern half, where he found very hot summers and relatively mild winters. The northern half of Arizona also offers pine forests, Douglas fir and spruce, a plateau very important (the Colorado Plateau) and several mountain ranges such as the mountains of San Francisco, as well as large, deep ravines, where there is much more moderate weather for three seasons, and heavy snowfall. There are ski resorts in the areas of Flagstaff and skiing.
Arizona is one of the Four Corners states. Arizona borders New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California and Mexico, and has something in common with the southwest corner of Colorado. Arizona has a 389-mile (626 km) long international border with the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California.
Arizona is one of the Four Corners states. Arizona borders New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California and Mexico, and has something in common with the southwest corner of Colorado. Arizona has a 389-mile (626 km) long international border with the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California.
The general consensus is that the name of the state from an earlier Spanish name, the name of Ali Arizonac O'odham Sonak is derived, means "little spring", which is initially applied only to an area near the silver mines of Mexico with boards Plata, Sonora. This is corroborated by the fact that the area still supports Sonak like Ali in the O'odham language known.
Arizona is located in the southern United States as one of the Four Corners states. Arizona is the sixth largest state in area, after New Mexico and Nevada before. The state of 113,998 square miles (295,000 km2) is about 15% privately owned. The remaining area is public parkland, the status of land trusts and Indian reservations.
Marcos de Niza, a Spanish Franciscan explored parts of the territory in 1539 and met some of the inhabitants of indigenous origin, probably Sobaipuri. The expedition of Spanish explorer Coronado in the region in 1540-1542 during his search for Cibola. Father Kino was the next in the European region. A member of the Society of Jesus, he led the development of a chain of missions and many Indians converted to Christianity in the Pimeria Alta (now southern Arizona and northern Sonora) in the 18th and in the early 1690 century. Spain founded presidios ("walled cities") at Tubac in 1752 and Tucson in 1775. When Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821, which was now part of California, Arizona Territory Nueva, also known as Alta California. In the Mexican-American War (1847), the U.S. occupied Mexico City and the pursuit of the claim, much of northern Mexico, including what later in Arizona.
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